Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2012

Hello world (again)

Hello my dearest followers,

I'm working on the game again, after a little break
I'm still not sure about the future of my game, but i hope i can sell the game for as little as possible.
I'm not even sure if i could sell the game anyway.
There is much to do if you want to start a gameforge.

You maybe ask now: "What the hell has he done in his 'little break'?"
I can tell you, I made a little game called bloodfight.
It's about forming spells with your own life.
I had this idea a few months ago, and I decided I should start working on it.
I just made the first enemys and skills for the game.
I had much to do in my 'break' so I wasn't able to make the graphics.
I ain't no got no screenshots. I'm sorry.

I'm working on the design of Geo again, actually, only on the design of the character.(as some people mentioned, it's crap right now)
After I'm finished with the whole design thing, I'll work on crafting and on fighting (and monsters, yes many monsters, bad monsters, evil monsters, BAD EVIL KILLING MONSTERS ...).

Thats it for now

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