Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013

Map system

Hello people,

this is just a little update of my blog just to remember you that I'm still working on the game, right now I'm on the map-code thingy and I got some problems on how one should be able to move through the world and if a 2D perspective on the planet like a sidescroller, looking like terraria or Clonk, would actually make any sense, maybe i'll add this already in the first version(s) or i'll later throw out a little FLC (Free Loadable Content because you don't pay for it like for a frickin DLC).

Well anyways, it's late and I'm tired and I got an exam tomorrow, so this will be it for today and probably the next 3 to n days. I'll update the Blog when I got some news for you.

Thats it for now, greetings

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